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New Moon Tarot Reading

The New Moon in Virgo marks the end of Mercury retrograde, meaning anything you was clinging onto, it's time to start fresh. No more re-runs with the ex, hanging on to the dead end job or putting off what makes you happy, now is YOUR time, your time to do what your heart desires and start accepting who you are at your core.

I am going to do a 'pick a card' reading for the Lunar cycle of Virgo New Moon, you pick the pile that you intuitively feel drawn too the most and head to your reading for what lies ahead...

Close your eyes, take three deep breaths and open your eyes. Choose what crystal you was instantly drawn too, no second guessing.



Pile 1 - Alacam Amethyst

9 of Swords / 3 of wands reversed / magician reversed

You have been weighed down by stress/anxiety, self sabotage, holding yourself back and overthinking and all of this has had an impact on what you truly desire and are wanting too manifest for yourself. It is time to let go, set the wheels in motion and allow the path ahead to unfold. Its time to put the work into what you want and stop holding yourself back with self-doubt. You have been playing it safe and this is going to stop you reaching your ambitions, it is time to allow the universe in and step out of your comfort zone. Be open to what the universe has to offer you. You have the potential to be great, you just need to start. Things aren't always easy and that is something yo

u have to come to terms with and deal with as it happens, dwelling on situations that haven't happened yet and catastrophizing your future is going to leave you stuck and unhappy. Trust in yourself and your capabilities to be great and to do great, inspiration can come from within a positive mind and the ability to manifest your dreams.


Pile 2 - Kundalini Citrine

2 of swords the hierophant / the hermit

If you have been feeling conflicted or at a loss lately and not sure wether the magic of the universe really exists, now is your time to really explore the spiritual realms. It is important for you to make informed choices and making sure you have all the information before you make a decision. It is also important that you make your choices based on what feels right for you, you don't have to fit into alignment with others, only your highest-self. Allow your intuition to guide you, it is time to explore and get to know yourself. A spiritual teacher may be what you are seeking, someone to help guide you along the way and who can allow you to explore yourself without having to conform to expectations of one belief system. It is possible to believe in many religions, beliefs and ideologies, it is about taking what feels right to you and implementing that into your life. What do you feel is going to help you into alignment? Be open to what the universe has to show you, research your curiosities and listen to your intuition. Meditation and self reflection are useful tools for you right now.


Pile 3 - Aquamarine

6 of pentacles / 5 of wands reversed / the star

The struggle is over, you can stop the war raging in your head and let go of self limiting beliefs. This energy could be an internal battle, or a battle from those around you who didn't believe in your capabilities and had doubts about your ambitions. You may have felt disheartened by the lack of support around you through your struggles and now you have reached success you are equally disappointed in those same people who once doubted you are now routing for you. It is important to remember who was there for you when you needed it and to not waste your time with those who failed to believe in you however, do not become conceited and resentful. Those who looked down on you will now be at your feet seeking validation and wanting what you have, this is where the inner conflict is getting the better of you. It is okay to not want to share your abundance with those who didn't help create it, but don't hold them back from creating the abundance of their own. For example, becoming the rich friend/family member who pays for all the meals and trips for those who didn't care until you had wealth. This creates resentful energy which you will hold onto, instead of paying for things, perhaps share your journey to success, help create opportunities and help them to build a better life for themselves. Holding onto negative energy is going to eat away at you and your success and you will soon loose your way, instead why not find purpose in the new life you have for yourself and share your experiences and knowledge with others. It is time to be the highest version of yourself and to share that with the world. You have a lot to give in this lifetime and further greatness will follow.


I hope your message is received well and the New Moon is the start of great things ahead.

I recommend journalling your thoughts about the reading and writing down your aspirations for what you wish to manifest for the month ahead.

If you wish to have a further reading please feel free to head over to my reading page and see what's on offer.

Wishing you wealth and health,

Charlotte - Luna Lux Intuitive

IG - @lunaluxintuitive



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